Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Contact Us

Oasis Academy Temple
Smedley Lane
M8 8SA

Tel: 0161 205 1932*
Email: admin@oasistemple.org

Whether you’re the parent or carer of a current student, interested in sending your child to our school in the future or a member of the community who would like to learn more about what we do, we would love to hear from you.

Please contact Mrs Ashton at our main office who will be happy to assist you with your enquiry.

All parts of the academy are accessible to all users. There are internal lifts to the first and second floors. Disabled toilets are on the ground and first floor.

Visitors car parking is located at the rear of the building, on Boyle Street (M8 8UW).

Please present photographic identification at the main office when visiting the academy.

Request For Copies
We provide free of charge, all of the information on our website in paper form. Please contact Mrs L Ashton using the details above with your request.

*Calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

School Business Manager :
Mrs Lesley Ashton

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator:
Miss Laura Pidcock

Designated safeguarding lead:
Mr Motahir Khan  admin@oasistemple.org

Deputy designated safeguarding lead: Mrs Nadra Sattar


Contact details for our Regional Director are available on our Regional Leadership Page within the Governance are of the website. 

How to contact our Multi-Academy Trust:
Oasis Community Learning
The Oasis Centre,
1 Kennington Road,

Tel: 020 7921 4200
Email: ocl@oasisuk.org 
Click here to is it the our website