Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Sport Premium Funding

What is the Sports Premium?

In April 2013 the Government announced new funding of £150 million for Physical Education (PE) and sport. This funding should be used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision. Schools are free to determine how best to use this funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision, including increasing participation in PE and Sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.

As of 2017-18, the sport Premium has doubled and Schools with 17 or more eligible pupils receive £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil.

This funding is provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport. Our total funding for the 2021/22 is £21,450

The funding must be used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sports provision. Below is a link to our full report on how we plan to spend this year’s allocation, how the grant has been spent in previous years and the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils for whom the funding was allocated. 

How are we using the funding to benefit our children?

At Oasis Academy Temple we have allocated the funding in a number of ways to benefit as many of our children as possible:

PE leadership:

  • Professional development opportunities for PE co-ordinator
  • ​​Implementation of PE curriculum and resources
  • PE co-ordinator, monitoring the standard of PE teaching across the school through observations and pupil voice. Improving the quality of teaching and learning in PE.

Staff professional development:

  • Professional development opportunities for staff provided by PE co-ordinator and external agencies
  • Allocating time during Staff INSET for CPD opportunities related to PE
  • ​Teachers working alongside Salford Red Devils in the Community coaches – team teaching

Pupil participation:

  • Promoting active playtimes and lunchtimes
  • Continuing to run sports activities in school and increasing pupils’ participation in the intra and inter school competitions
  • Providing places for pupils in after school sports clubs. E.g. Salford Red Devil coaches, Teaching staff and teaching assistants leading clubs
  • We are a member of the Manchester Association PE and School Sports - pooling the additional funding with that of other local schools to develop inter school competitions
  • Additional opportunities for girls accessing sports and promoting making healthier choices and leading a healthy lifestyle
  • ​Whole school events to raise the profile of PE and school sports

Sports Premium Funding Report

Above you will find our latest report for our Sports Premium Funding.

Key information included within the report includes:

  • How much we recieved
  • How we are spending the money this year
  • How our premium programme has affected our pupil's PE and sport participation and attainment
  • How we intend to ensure these improvements are sustainable.