Behaviour & Rewards
We believe the key to building esteem and aspiration is through acknowledging successes and celebrating achievements.
Oasis Academy Temple's Reward System
Oasis Academy Temple Reward System
*Daily Positive Behaviour Reinforcement
*Consistency of expectations
*Building good relationships with pupils
*Positive classroom atmosphere
*Focus on the positives—consistent, calm and fair application of approach
*Positive verbal praise
*Show the children you care in everything you do
*Praising children who on task as good role models
*Class dojo
*Gold alert text messages sent home to parents at the end of each day
Class Dojo
Class Dojo
Oasis Academy Temple uses ClassDojo to reward students for following the school rules and 9 habits. Only 1 point is awarded at any time. Any member of staff can award children a ClassDojo point.
*When a pupil reaches the 30, 60, 100, 150, 200 and 300 point targets, they will receive a certificate.
*Each academic year, the points are reset to zero.
Class Celebration Jar
Each class is to work as a team to fill their Class Celebration Jar to work towards a class treat that they have chosen. This is a reward jar so once marbles are awarded they cannot be removed for a sanction. Sanctions are linked to the traffic light system.
*Each class in school will have a Class Celebration Jar and 50 marbles
*One marble to be rewarded at a time. This can be for a class, group or individual achievement.
*The jar is to be filled with marbles as a reward for following the school rules and showing 9 habits behaviours (examples on the behaviour expectations document)
*At the start of each term the class will agree what their class reward will be when the marble jar is full and this should be displayed above the traffic lights in the classroom and shared with parents on class dojo. It should be linked to an area of the curriculum. E.g. Film linked to a curriculum area chosen by the children, PE, Art, computing, music, science, class interest.
*When the jar is full all the children get to take part in the class treat.
Achievement Assemblies
The assemblies will take place once a week on a Friday and children will receive the following awards:
*ClassDojo certificates for those who reach the 30, 60, 100, 150, 200 and 300 points targets.
*Oasis 9 habit of the month certificate (1 per class)
*Oasis 9 habit certificate (1 per class)
*Star in the jar award
*Half term attendance certificate
*Swimming certificates (KS2)
*For EYFS and KS1, daily reward within each classroom—Achievosaurs certificates