
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community



All children wear the correct uniform to school - Children feel proud to belong to the school - Parents/carers share the expectations of the school

It is the wish of the school that all children should wear school uniform when attending school or when participating in official school-organised events outside normal school hours. It is also expected that children wear the school uniform each day, with the appropriate footwear.

The following is a set of guidelines to help you comply with the schools uniform code.

Nursery to Year 6


  • Winter white or red polo shirt
  • Red sweatshirt
  • Girls: grey/black skirt, pinafore or trousers
  • Boys: grey/black trousers or shorts

In the summer months girls will be allowed to wear a red chequered dress.

Plain black or white religious head coverings are optional.

Sports Uniform

  • Academy white polo shirt
  • Black PE shorts
  • Black, white or grey socks
  • Plimsolls or trainers

We want all our children to grow into healthy adults. We believe that it is dangerous for children to wear shoes with platform soles or high heels in school, so we do not allow this. Neither do we allow children to wear trainers to school; these are appropriate for sport or as leisurewear, but are not in keeping with the smart appearance of a school uniform. Parents should ensure that all children wear plain black shoes.  Brightly coloured footwear or items with flashing heels must never be worn. 

Guidelines for Jewellery and Hairstyles

The school is not liable for any jewellery that is lost or stolen and teaching staff will not look after jewellery. Pupils should have a bag/case in which to place the earrings during PE or swimming. For parents of children in Year 4 who attend swimming the wearing of earrings is forbidden by Manchester City council regulations. Pupils may wear plain gold or silver studs for school. Children should not wear earrings to school unless they are able to take them out and put them back in without assistance.  A watch may be worn.  No other jewellery should be worn to school. All jewellery is to be removed during PE to comply with health and safety regulations. 

The school does not permit children to have ANY haircuts that could serve as a distraction to other children. This includes conspicuous markings eg. tramlines and Mohicans, or Mohican like styles. No colours or styles which would be considered as extreme are allowed and no extreme graduation of cut and hair length across the hair. We strongly advise that parents/carers check with school before they get their child’s hair cut if they are unsure in anyway as staff are always happy to help. Make-up and nail varnish have no place in the day-to-day running of Oasis Academy Temple and are not allowed. Wet hair gel and beads in hair are also inappropriate on health and safety grounds. Tattoos of any type are simply not permitted.