
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

How to Apply

Nursery Admissions

Closing date for applications 31st January 2025

Our Nursery at Oasis Academy Temple has classes for 3-4 year olds. 

You may register your child with the school office when you have made a decision regarding your child’s nursery and pre-school needs.  Their name will then be put on the waiting list and you will be notified when a place is available.  Admission into the Nursery takes place in September. 

Find out more about our Nursery admissions criteria HERE. 

Nursery Admissions Form

Primary Admissions

The Governing Body of Oasis Academy Temple follow the admission procedures set by Manchester Local Authority.  Please visit the Manchester Local Authority website for more information.

As the Admissions Authority for the community and voluntary controlled schools in Manchester, the Local Authority (LA) is required to draft, consult on and determine their admission arrangements. Where there are more applicants than places available, the LA will apply the admission arrangements in order to decide which applicants will be offered places.

Admission arrangements for voluntary aided schools, foundation schools, free schools and academies are set by their Governing Body, who are the Admission Authority for their establishment. They are responsible for drafting, consulting on and determining their admission arrangements. Copies of admissions arrangements for these types of schools/academies in Manchester can be found on the school/academy website and the LA’s website.

All parent/carers are required to apply to their home LA regards of where the school/academy they are applying is situated. Manchester residents will apply to Manchester LA. The LA will liaise with other Admissions Authorities in Manchester and other LAs where required. Manchester LA will inform parent/carers in writing of the outcome of their application.


Application forms are available from the Manchester Local Authority website and can be requested by phone on 0161 245 7166. They should be returned to:

Integrated Admissions Service
Manchester City Council
P.O. Box 532
Town Hall
M60 2LA

These admission arrangements apply to applicants seeking a place in Reception up to Year 11 for the schools listed in appendix 1. Applications for admission to the sixth form or a nursery of a Manchester school/academy will be dealt with by the school/academy, not by the LA. Applicants should apply direct to the school for a sixth form or nursery place. The LA is obliged to include in these arrangements the following provisions that apply to parent/carers making applications for a place in Reception only:

The arrangements do not apply to those being admitted for nursery provision including nursery provision delivered in a co-located children’s centre;

Parent/carers of children who are admitted for nursery provision must apply for a place at the school/academy if they want their child to transfer to the reception class;

Attendance at the nursery or co-located children’s centre does not guarantee admission to the school/academy;

Parent/carers can request that the date their child is admitted to  the school/academy is deferred until later in the school year or until the child reaches compulsory school age in that school year. Where entry is deferred, admission authorities must hold the place for that child and not offer it to another child. The parent would not however be able to defer entry beyond the beginning of the term after the child’s fifth birthday;

Parents can request that their child attends part-time until the child reaches compulsory school age.


The oversubscription criteria for when a school is full is:

Category 1 - children who are looked after by a local authority and children who were previously looked after by a local authority. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order);

Category 2 - children with exceptional medical/social needs;

Category 3 - children with a sibling at the school;

Category 4 – all other children

Waiting Lists

Waiting lists will be held in criteria order according to the oversubscription criteria. Waiting lists will not be operated on a “first come, first served” basis. The amount of time an applicant is on a waiting list will not affect their position on it.

For the Primary Admissions Round a waiting list will be held up to the end of the autumn term. At this point applicants will be required to re apply for the school should they wish to stay on the waiting list.

For In Year applications, waiting lists will be held for the term in which the application was made. At the end of the term all applicants will be removed from all waiting lists. The only exception to this will be if the applicant has not been offered a place. In this circumstance the applicant will be kept on the waiting list for the next term. Details of the waiting list process will be on the application forms and on the offer letters sent to applicants.


Manchester City Council School Admissions Info

School Appeals

Download our admissions arrangements for 2024-2025

Want to come pay us a visit?

We always welcome visitors at our Academy. 

Open evening event being announce soon 

We are able to cater for parents and carers who are unable to visit on these days by special request. Get in touch with the school office today and we'll be pleased to arrange a date with you. 

Tel: 0161 205 1932