
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


Welcome to our Nursery 

Wishing you a very warm welcome from our Nursery team.

At Oasis Academy Temple, we believe that the Nursery year is really important in ensuring that your child gets the best possible start to their education. We know that every child is unique, and provide a safe and nurturing space for your child to learn through play based and explorative activity.

The development of positive relationships between staff and children is a priority, and we work alongside parents to ensure that children settle in quickly, and develop the independence, resilience and interpersonal  skills which will enable them to succeed in the future. We are an inclusive setting, and welcome applications for children with additional needs.

We offer 65 full time Nursery places, term time only, from 8.50 am to 3 10 am each weekday. Children are eligible for a place starting in the September after their third birthday. We also offer places in our Breakfast club from 8.45 am each day.

We have six staff members in our Nursery , who look forward to working with you to achieve the best for your child.

Nursery Brochure 2021-2022