
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Phonics and Reading

Reading is delivered using varied structures to ensure the mechanics of reading are developed, comprehension is explicitly taught in reading lessons but also practiced across all subjects and, perhaps most importantly, there is a culture which develops a love of literature and exposure to high quality literature for all. Wherever possible, and without compromising the quality of the literature, the texts have been linked to the thematic content to further enhance knowledge and provide a purpose and content to writing, particularly for non-fiction.


  • Read aloud - adult-lead whole class texts.
  • Independent reading using accelerated reader to track.
  • Comprehension taught using VIPERS approach.
  • Reading as a Golden Thread across the subject areas. 


  • Immersive experience promoting a love of reading and high quality literature. 
  • Read, Write Inc phonics is taught in EYFS and KS1
  • Comprehension taught using the same texts.
  • Home reading books linked to the sounds taught in school.


  • Taught as a Golden Thread with specific pedagogy used in all lessons.
  • Traced, revisited nad linked over both key stages.
  • Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary explicitly shared and taught using cognitive science to embed knowledge. 


  • 'The Write Stuff' approach to instructional teaching of writing. 
  • Mixture of fiction and non-fiction. 
  • Grammar taught within writing lessons. 
  • Handwriting and spelling continually revisited. 


The elements of reading