
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

This Week's Learning in Year 1

This Week's Learning in Year 1

Check out the amazing learning that has been taking place in Year 1 this week!

This week we having been celebrating Rights Respecting Week. The children have been understanding their rights as a child. In English Year 1 read a book called ‘Shine’. They have started writing a fact file about themselves and describing what makes them shine!

During our Rights Respecting week, Year 1 have created a Class Charter and demonstrated how we are a ‘Rights Respecting School’ by learning about the different rights of children. They enjoyed creating their own self portraits.

1M have been investigating and identifying seasonal change. The children worked in teams and observed signs of Spring.

In Year 1 unit of Maths - Measure, they have been investigating and exploring double and half a length using Cuisenaire rods. They had great fun finding the right ones!